Saturday, March 23, 2013

How to Plan a Perfect Easter Egg Hunt

Step 1: Location
The first thing to think about when planning your Easter egg hunt is where the focus of the hunt should be. This activity can be held indoors or outside in the yard depending on the weather. If you decide to have the Easter egg hunt outside, choose an area that is safe, like a yard free of debris and animals. If indoors, I suggest the family/living room as a good place to have the hunt. 

Step 2: Egg Preparations
Buy small plastic Easter eggs, based on the number of people that are going to be at the hunt. A good rule of thumb is to have between 15 and 20 eggs per person.  If the hunt is with older children, or if you want it to be a more challenging activity, buy more eggs to hide at the hunt. You can color coordinate by child, or by age group. 

Step 4: Hiding Spots
Keep track of where you hide the eggs, and how many eggs you have - especially if you are using hard boiled eggs. You can get creative and try to use harder hiding spots for the better prizes or for the older children’s eggs. Read this article on 10 Ways to Get Creative with Easter Egg Hunts.

Step 5: Collecting 
Hand out tote bags, pails or sturdy baskets for the kids to use at the egg hunt. If you see a kid having trouble finding eggs, help them out. You can use the "getting," method of guiding younger children if they have trouble finding eggs. Use hints for older kids if necessary. An Easter egg hunt is meant to be a fun activity for everyone involved! 

Step 6: Prizes
Try non-candy alternatives, cash, gift certificates, or handmade coupons good for fun activities. Decorate one plastic egg and fill it with a special prize, whoever finds that egg gets the extra special something inside. Get adults in on the fun, hide adult prizes in different colored eggs and hide them up high, where only adults can reach! Prizes could be a gift certificate to a coffee place or cash. 

Creative Commons License
This work by Little Mom on the Prairie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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